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February 2024

Bower HR, a prominent human resources, people and culture solutions provider, and Business Health Institute, a leader in workplace well-being, have announced a strategic partnership focused on redefining workplace welfare through a comprehensive and technology-driven approach.

The synergy between Bower HR Consultancy and Business Health Institute was established through their affiliation with Vanquish Business Services, prompting both entities to pose the crucial question: “How can both organisations contribute the utmost value to businesses?” This strategic alliance is a testament to their commitment to addressing the evolving landscape of employee well-being in the contemporary business environment.

Key Highlights:

Holistic Well-being Solutions: Bower HR and Business Health Institute will combine their expertise to develop holistic well-being solutions that address the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of employee health in the workplace. Understanding individuals’ wellbeing combined with mental initiatives, the collaboration will offer a range of resources to enable employers to support employees and teams at every level as well as helping long term mental health related sickness absence cases.

Cutting-Edge Technology Integration: The collaboration will leverage innovative technologies to provide companies with state-of-the-art tools for analysis, tracking and improving employee well-being. Bower HR’s proactive approach and responses in the work place seamlessly integrate with Business Health Institute’s well-being self- reflection platform, offering a user-friendly experience and real-time insights for employers.

Educational Initiatives: Recognising the importance of education in fostering a culture of well-being, the collaboration will launch a number of educational initiatives to support employers to understand and prioritise the wellbeing of its employees.

Data-Driven Insights: Bower HR and Business Health Institute will utilise data analytics to provide companies with actionable insights into the well-being of their employees. By analysing trends and patterns, employers will be better equipped to implement targeted interventions and create a positive impact on workplace welfare.

Customisable Solutions for Diverse Industries: The collaboration is committed to providing customisable well-being solutions that cater to the unique needs of various industries. Whether in the corporate, healthcare, or manufacturing sector, Bower HR and Business Health Institute will work collaboratively to tailor programs that resonate with each company’s specific requirements.

Serena Bower, Director, Bower HR Consultancy “We are thrilled to embark on this collaboration with Business Health Institute. Together, we aim to set new standards for workplace welfare, offering comprehensive solutions that empower companies to prioritise the well-being and health of their most valuable asset – their people.”
Jackie Connaughton, Director, Business Health Institute “The partnership with Bower HR aligns perfectly with our mission to create healthier and more productive workplaces. By combining our expertise, we are confident that we can make a meaningful impact on employee well-being across industries, ultimately contributing to a positive and thriving work culture.”

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